Friday, September 22, 2017


I believe that every artist (or very nearly every) has moments of self-doubt.  Am I good enough?  Are my creations of value?  Should I just give up?  These questions plague many of us,  and not just as artists, but as people.  Life is hard,  work is hard.  Sometimes it is hard to value ourselves.  I know I suffer greatly from self-doubt.  It was a huge jump for me to put myself out there and start my photography company,  to actually call myself a photographer.  I may not have looked like it, but I was shaking in my boots.  I often still do.  But this means I can only get better.  I try to look forward, not side to side.  Not try to compare myself to that amazing photographer over there, but rather to be inspired by them.  I try to put myself out there,  no matter how scary it is.  And well, if they do not value my work then I guess they will not hire me.  BUT as long as I value my work,  there will be people out there that value my work, and they will find me, or I will find them, and we will make beautiful images, together. 

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